CU Amiga Super CD-ROM 15
CU Amiga Magazine's Super CD-ROM 15 (1997)(EMAP Images)(GB)[!][issue 1997-10].iso
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/* Copyright (C) 1990, 1995, 1996, 1997 Aladdin Enterprises. All rights reserved.
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Every copy of Aladdin Ghostscript must include a copy of the License,
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all copies.
/* gstype1.c */
/* Adobe Type 1 charstring interpreter */
#include "math_.h"
#include "memory_.h"
#include "gx.h"
#include "gserrors.h"
#include "gsstruct.h"
#include "gxarith.h"
#include "gxfixed.h"
#include "gxmatrix.h"
#include "gxcoord.h"
#include "gxistate.h"
#include "gzpath.h"
#include "gxchar.h"
#include "gxfont.h"
#include "gxfont1.h"
#include "gxtype1.h"
/* Define whether to always do Flex segments as curves. */
/* This is only an issue because some old Adobe DPS fonts */
/* seem to violate the Flex specification in a way that requires this. */
/* ------ Main interpreter ------ */
/* Define a pointer to the charstring interpreter stack. */
typedef fixed _ss *cs_ptr;
* Continue interpreting a Type 1 charstring. If str != 0, it is taken as
* the byte string to interpret. Return 0 on successful completion, <0 on
* error, or >0 when client intervention is required (or allowed). The int*
* argument is where the othersubr # is stored for callothersubr.
private int
gs_type1_charstring_interpret(gs_type1_state *pcis,
const gs_const_string *str, int *pindex)
{ gs_font_type1 *pfont = pcis->pfont;
gs_type1_data *pdata = &pfont->data;
bool encrypted = pdata->lenIV >= 0;
gs_op1_state s;
fixed cstack[ostack_size];
#define cs0 cstack[0]
#define ics0 fixed2int_var(cs0)
#define cs1 cstack[1]
#define ics1 fixed2int_var(cs1)
#define cs2 cstack[2]
#define ics2 fixed2int_var(cs2)
#define cs3 cstack[3]
#define ics3 fixed2int_var(cs3)
#define cs4 cstack[4]
#define ics4 fixed2int_var(cs4)
#define cs5 cstack[5]
#define ics5 fixed2int_var(cs5)
cs_ptr csp;
#define clear csp = cstack - 1
ip_state *ipsp = &pcis->ipstack[pcis->ips_count - 1];
register const byte *cip;
register crypt_state state;
register int c;
int code = 0;
fixed ftx = pcis->origin.x, fty = pcis->origin.y;
switch ( pcis->init_done )
case -1:
case 0:
gs_type1_finish_init(pcis, &s); /* sets sfc, ptx, pty, origin */
ftx = pcis->origin.x, fty = pcis->origin.y;
default /*case 1*/:
ptx = pcis->position.x;
pty = pcis->position.y;
sfc = pcis->fc;
sppath = pcis->path;
s.pcis = pcis;
init_cstack(cstack, csp, pcis);
if ( str == 0 )
goto cont;
ipsp->char_string = *str;
cip = str->data;
call: state = crypt_charstring_seed;
if ( encrypted )
{ int skip = pdata->lenIV;
/* Skip initial random bytes */
for ( ; skip > 0; ++cip, --skip )
decrypt_skip_next(*cip, state);
goto top;
cont: cip = ipsp->ip;
state = ipsp->dstate;
top: for ( ; ; )
{ uint c0 = *cip++;
charstring_next(c0, state, c, encrypted);
if ( c >= c_num1 )
/* This is a number, decode it and push it on the stack. */
if ( c < c_pos2_0 )
{ /* 1-byte number */
decode_push_num1(csp, c);
else if ( c < cx_num4 )
{ /* 2-byte number */
decode_push_num2(csp, c, cip, state, encrypted);
else if ( c == cx_num4 )
{ /* 4-byte number */
long lw;
decode_num4(lw, cip, state, encrypted);
*++csp = int2fixed(lw);
if ( lw != fixed2long(*csp) )
else /* not possible */
pushed: if_debug3('1', "[1]%d: (%d) %f\n",
(int)(csp - cstack), c, fixed2float(*csp));
#ifdef DEBUG
if ( gs_debug['1'] )
{ static const char *c1names[] =
{ char1_command_names };
if ( c1names[c] == 0 )
dprintf2("[1]0x%lx: %02x??\n", (ulong)(cip - 1), c);
dprintf3("[1]0x%lx: %02x %s\n", (ulong)(cip - 1), c,
switch ( (char_command)c )
#define cnext clear; goto top
#define inext goto top
/* Commands with identical functions in Type 1 and Type 2, */
/* except for 'escape'. */
case c_undef0:
case c_undef2:
case c_undef17:
case c_callsubr:
c = fixed2int_var(*csp) + pdata->subroutineNumberBias;
code = (*pdata->subr_proc)
(pfont, c, false, &ipsp[1].char_string);
if ( code < 0 )
ipsp->ip = cip, ipsp->dstate = state;
cip = ipsp->char_string.data;
goto call;
case c_return:
goto cont;
case c_undoc15:
/* See gstype1.h for information on this opcode. */
/* Commands with similar but not identical functions */
/* in Type 1 and Type 2 charstrings. */
case cx_hstem:
apply_path_hints(pcis, false);
type1_hstem(pcis, cs0, cs1);
case cx_vstem:
apply_path_hints(pcis, false);
type1_vstem(pcis, cs0, cs1);
case cx_vmoveto:
cs1 = cs0;
cs0 = 0;
move: /* cs0 = dx, cs1 = dy for hint checking. */
if ( (pcis->hint_next != 0 || path_is_drawing(sppath)) &&
pcis->flex_count == flex_max
apply_path_hints(pcis, true);
code = gx_path_add_point(sppath, ptx, pty);
goto cc;
case cx_rlineto:
accum_xy(cs0, cs1);
line: /* cs0 = dx, cs1 = dy for hint checking. */
code = gx_path_add_line(sppath, ptx, pty);
cc: if ( code < 0 )
return code;
pp: if_debug2('1', "[1]pt=(%g,%g)\n",
fixed2float(ptx), fixed2float(pty));
case cx_hlineto:
cs1 = 0;
goto line;
case cx_vlineto:
cs1 = cs0;
cs0 = 0;
goto line;
case cx_rrcurveto:
code = gs_op1_rrcurveto(&s, cs0, cs1, cs2, cs3, cs4, cs5);
goto cc;
case cx_endchar:
if ( pcis->seac_base >= 0 )
{ /* We just finished the accent of a seac. */
/* Do the base character. */
gs_const_string bstr;
int bchar = pcis->seac_base;
pcis->seac_base = -1;
/* Restore the coordinate system origin */
pcis->asb_diff = pcis->adxy.x = pcis->adxy.y = 0;
sppath->position.x = pcis->position.x = ftx;
sppath->position.y = pcis->position.y = fty;
pcis->os_count = 0; /* clear */
/* Clear the ipstack, in case the accent ended */
/* inside a subroutine. */
pcis->ips_count = 1;
/* Remove any accent hints. */
/* Ask the caller to provide a new string. */
code = (*pdata->seac_proc)(pfont, bchar, &bstr);
if ( code != 0 )
{ *pindex = bchar;
return code;
/* Continue with the supplied string. */
ptx = ftx, pty = fty;
ipsp = &pcis->ipstack[0];
ipsp->char_string = bstr;
cip = bstr.data;
goto call;
/* This is a real endchar. Handle it below. */
return gs_type1_endchar(pcis);
case cx_rmoveto:
accum_xy(cs0, cs1);
goto move;
case cx_hmoveto:
cs1 = 0;
goto move;
case cx_vhcurveto:
{ gs_fixed_point pt1, pt2;
fixed ax0 = sppath->position.x - ptx;
fixed ay0 = sppath->position.y - pty;
pt1.x = ptx + ax0, pt1.y = pty + ay0;
accum_xy(cs1, cs2);
pt2.x = ptx, pt2.y = pty;
code = gx_path_add_curve(sppath, pt1.x, pt1.y, pt2.x, pt2.y, ptx, pty);
} goto cc;
case cx_hvcurveto:
{ gs_fixed_point pt1, pt2;
fixed ax0 = sppath->position.x - ptx;
fixed ay0 = sppath->position.y - pty;
pt1.x = ptx + ax0, pt1.y = pty + ay0;
accum_xy(cs1, cs2);
pt2.x = ptx, pt2.y = pty;
code = gx_path_add_curve(sppath, pt1.x, pt1.y, pt2.x, pt2.y, ptx, pty);
} goto cc;
/* Commands only recognized in Type 1 charstrings, */
/* plus 'escape'. */
case c1_closepath:
code = gs_op1_closepath(&s);
apply_path_hints(pcis, true);
goto cc;
case c1_hsbw:
gs_type1_sbw(pcis, cs0, fixed_0, cs1, fixed_0);
rsbw: /* Give the caller the opportunity to intervene. */
pcis->os_count = 0; /* clear */
ipsp->ip = cip, ipsp->dstate = state;
pcis->ips_count = ipsp - &pcis->ipstack[0] + 1;
/* If we aren't in a seac, do nothing else now; */
/* finish_init will take care of the rest. */
if ( pcis->init_done < 0 )
{ /* Finish init when we return. */
pcis->init_done = 0;
{ /* Do accumulate the side bearing now. */
accum_xy(pcis->lsb.x, pcis->lsb.y);
pcis->position.x = ptx;
pcis->position.y = pty;
return type1_result_sbw;
case cx_escape:
charstring_next(*cip, state, c, encrypted); ++cip;
#ifdef DEBUG
if ( gs_debug['1'] && c < char1_extended_command_count )
{ static const char *ce1names[] =
{ char1_extended_command_names };
if ( ce1names[c] == 0 )
dprintf2("[1]0x%lx: %02x??\n", (ulong)(cip - 1), c);
dprintf3("[1]0x%lx: %02x %s\n", (ulong)(cip - 1), c,
switch ( (char1_extended_command)c )
case ce1_dotsection:
pcis->dotsection_flag ^=
(dotsection_in ^ dotsection_out);
case ce1_vstem3:
apply_path_hints(pcis, false);
if ( !pcis->vstem3_set && pcis->fh.use_x_hints )
{ center_vstem(pcis, pcis->lsb.x + cs2, cs3);
/* Adjust the current point */
/* (center_vstem handles everything else). */
ptx += pcis->vs_offset.x;
pty += pcis->vs_offset.y;
pcis->vstem3_set = true;
type1_vstem(pcis, cs0, cs1);
type1_vstem(pcis, cs2, cs3);
type1_vstem(pcis, cs4, cs5);
case ce1_hstem3:
apply_path_hints(pcis, false);
type1_hstem(pcis, cs0, cs1);
type1_hstem(pcis, cs2, cs3);
type1_hstem(pcis, cs4, cs5);
case ce1_seac:
{ gs_const_string acstr;
/* Do the accent now. When it finishes */
/* (detected in endchar), do the base character. */
pcis->seac_base = ics3;
/* Adjust the origin of the coordinate system */
/* for the accent (endchar puts it back). */
ptx = ftx, pty = fty;
pcis->asb_diff = cs0 - pcis->lsb.x;
pcis->adxy.x = cs1;
pcis->adxy.y = cs2;
accum_xy(cs1, cs2);
sppath->position.x = pcis->position.x = ptx;
sppath->position.y = pcis->position.y = pty;
pcis->os_count = 0; /* clear */
/* Ask the caller to provide a new string. */
code = (*pdata->seac_proc)(pfont, ics4, &acstr);
if ( code != 0 )
{ *pindex = ics4;
return code;
/* Continue with the supplied string. */
ipsp->char_string = acstr;
cip = acstr.data;
goto call;
case ce1_sbw:
gs_type1_sbw(pcis, cs0, cs1, cs2, cs3);
goto rsbw;
case ce1_div:
csp[-1] = float2fixed((float)csp[-1] / (float)*csp);
--csp; goto pushed;
case ce1_undoc15:
/* See gstype1.h for information on this opcode. */
case ce1_callothersubr:
{ int num_results;
#define fpts pcis->flex_points
/* We must remember to pop both the othersubr # */
/* and the argument count off the stack. */
switch ( *pindex = fixed2int_var(*csp) )
case 0:
{ /* We have to do something really sleazy */
/* here, namely, make it look as though */
/* the rmovetos never really happened, */
/* because we don't want to interrupt */
/* the current subpath. */
gs_fixed_point ept;
fixed fheight = csp[-4];
gs_fixed_point hpt;
if ( pcis->flex_count != 8 )
/* Assume the next two opcodes */
/* are `pop' `pop'. Unfortunately, some */
/* Monotype fonts put these in a Subr, */
/* so we can't just look ahead in the */
/* opcode stream. */
pcis->ignore_pops = 2;
csp[-4] = csp[-3] - pcis->asb_diff;
csp[-3] = csp[-2];
csp -= 3;
gx_path_current_point(sppath, &ept);
gx_path_add_point(sppath, fpts[0].x, fpts[0].y);
sppath->state_flags = /* <--- sleaze */
/* Decide whether to do the flex as a curve. */
hpt.x = fpts[1].x - fpts[4].x;
hpt.y = fpts[1].y - fpts[4].y;
"[1]flex: d=(%g,%g), height=%g\n",
fixed2float(hpt.x), fixed2float(hpt.y),
fixed2float(fheight) / 100);
#if !ALWAYS_DO_FLEX_AS_CURVE /* See beginning of file. */
if ( any_abs(hpt.x) + any_abs(hpt.y) <
fheight / 100
{ /* Do the flex as a line. */
code = gx_path_add_line(sppath,
ept.x, ept.y);
{ /* Do the flex as a curve. */
code = gx_path_add_curve(sppath,
fpts[2].x, fpts[2].y,
fpts[3].x, fpts[3].y,
fpts[4].x, fpts[4].y);
if ( code < 0 )
return code;
code = gx_path_add_curve(sppath,
fpts[5].x, fpts[5].y,
fpts[6].x, fpts[6].y,
fpts[7].x, fpts[7].y);
if ( code < 0 )
return code;
pcis->flex_count = flex_max; /* not inside flex */
case 1:
gx_path_current_point(sppath, &fpts[0]);
pcis->flex_path_state_flags = /* <--- more sleaze */
pcis->flex_count = 1;
csp -= 2;
case 2:
if ( pcis->flex_count >= flex_max )
csp -= 2;
case 3:
/* Assume the next opcode is a `pop'. */
/* See above as to why we don't just */
/* look ahead in the opcode stream. */
pcis->ignore_pops = 1;
csp -= 2;
case 14:
num_results = 1;
blend: { int num_values = fixed2int_var(csp[-1]);
int k1 = num_values / num_results - 1;
int i, j;
cs_ptr base, deltas;
if ( num_values < num_results ||
num_values % num_results != 0
base = csp - 1 - num_values;
deltas = base + num_results - 1;
for ( j = 0; j < num_results;
j++, base++, deltas += k1
for ( i = 1; i <= k1; i++ )
*base += deltas[i] *
csp = base - 1;
pcis->ignore_pops = num_results;
case 15:
num_results = 2;
goto blend;
case 16:
num_results = 3;
goto blend;
case 17:
num_results = 4;
goto blend;
case 18:
num_results = 6;
goto blend;
#undef fpts
/* Not a recognized othersubr, */
/* let the client handle it. */
{ int scount = csp - cstack;
int n;
/* Copy the arguments to the caller's stack. */
if ( scount < 1 || csp[-1] < 0 ||
csp[-1] > int2fixed(scount - 1)
n = fixed2int_var(csp[-1]);
code = (*pdata->push_proc)(pfont, csp - (n + 1), n);
if ( code < 0 )
scount -= n + 1;
pcis->position.x = ptx;
pcis->position.y = pty;
apply_path_hints(pcis, false);
/* Exit to caller */
ipsp->ip = cip, ipsp->dstate = state;
pcis->os_count = scount;
pcis->ips_count = ipsp - &pcis->ipstack[0] + 1;
if ( scount )
memcpy(pcis->ostack, cstack, scount * sizeof(fixed));
return type1_result_callothersubr;
case ce1_pop:
/* Check whether we're ignoring the pops after */
/* a known othersubr. */
if ( pcis->ignore_pops != 0 )
{ pcis->ignore_pops--;
code = (*pdata->pop_proc)(pfont, csp);
if ( code < 0 )
goto pushed;
case ce1_setcurrentpoint:
ptx = ftx, pty = fty;
cs0 += pcis->adxy.x;
cs1 += pcis->adxy.y;
accum_xy(cs0, cs1);
goto pp;
/* Fill up the dispatch up to 32. */
default: /* pacify compiler */
/* Register the interpreter. */
gs_gstype1_init(gs_memory_t *mem)
{ gs_charstring_interpreter[1] = gs_type1_charstring_interpret;